President Hassan Sheikh had a meeting with the United States Ambassador to the United Nations


  The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Dr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, today held a meeting with the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Ms. Linda-Greenfield Thomas, in Mogadishu. The President shared with Ambassador Linda the achievements of the Somali forces in the opening of the war and the liberation of the areas. The President also praised the United States of America for the great help they are giving in the fight against the Al-Shabaab group, and pointed out the threat they pose to the region. President Dr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud mentioned the challenge of the arms embargo on Somalia, rebuilding the army and speeding up the eradication of Al-Shabaab, and he hoped that Ambassador Linda Thomas would support the Somali government's plan to suspend the embargo. withdraw Somalia's campaign in the United Nations Security Council. The United Nations Ambassador to the United States of America Mrs. Linda-Greenfield Thomas praised the President, the government and the people of Somalia for standing up in the fight against Al-Shabaab and the areas that were liberated during the time they were crippled. participating in the relief and basic services needed by the liberated residents.


Source: National newspaper

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